in miyagi city. I teach all kinds of students. - i was trained as a professional japanese teacher. my work has received many awards including ones given by the japanese cultural association, the japanese language association, and various miyagi karate associations.
- pauli, aikido, japanese kendo, aiki, and more.
- you can join classes or participate in events in the area and take a lesson.
- i teach a variety of classes, katas, and classes where there is a focus on aikido. i am very flexible and can teach your needs.
- please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. i can be reached via text or i can be contacted in person via email or telephone.
thank you.
On the left hand side there is a link to my facebook and also a link to my list of classes.Q:
How to set Content-Encoding to deflate?
I'm having trouble with resizing the pictures that are being uploaded via Ajax. I'm sending the input files like this:
var files = $("#file").get(0).files;
var file = files[0];
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function (e) {
$('#id').attr("width", "100");
$('#id').attr("height", "150");
When the pictures are sent, the size is not expanded. If I change the content-type to "image/jpeg", the picture is downloaded. Is it possible to set it to "image/jpeg" by default? I can use other image resizing libraries to accomplish this.
try this
var files = $("#file").get(0).files;
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